Research and capacity building


Research & Capacity Building We offer services including capacity building, training, technical assistance, and more. Our University Social Center (USC) enhances the skills of individuals, teams, organizations, and networks at national, regional, and international levels. We support program and project managers, as well as institutions, with frameworks and strategies tailored to various scales. Our capacity-building program targets local needs and knowledge gaps by developing skills in project design and implementation, while identifying new initiatives. We customize our support to meet the specific needs of our clients and beneficiaries. To end climate change and biodiversity loss, we empower local organizations to manage nature-based projects, ensuring equitable economic benefits for the community. Recognizing that social change and development depend on robust capacities at all levels, we collaborate with diverse stakeholders, including frontline stakeholders, national decision-make...

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Carbon project

Our Carbon projects supported, was linked with cli...

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Sustainable agriculture

Sustainable agriculture is a set of practices and...

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Expertise Areas

Research on green commodities management encompass...

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Defend forests, guardians of biodiversity.


Africa Regional Office, Ivory Coast, Cocody-Abidjan, City of Arts, Jewelers Street, Building A8, 3rd Floor Door 2

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